As an extra service we offer babysitting on Wednesdays for children from 6 months to 4 years old to enable their mums to join our classes.(unfortunately not available on Tuesdays for the cyclists)

Volunteers babysit a small group of children in the playroom. The playroom is equipped with all kinds of toys, a playpen, cot, chairs, etc.

The volunteers only babysit, it is absolutely not full childcare. The mother takes care of nappy changing herself if necessary.


There is only place for a limited number of children. So it may be that a student can only start following lessons once there is a place for her kid(s) in the playroom.


We charge a fee of €1 per child per time for the use of the babysitter. The student can purchase a coupon for 10 babysitting sessions via the app.

Third-party liability insurance (WA - wettelijke aansprakelijkheid) is mandatory for every student.

Bij Het Taalhuis voel je je thuis!

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